community gardens
Neighborhood & Physical Environment Pathway
We are seeking to improve access to healthy food and increase healthy food education, as well as create community spaces for social gathering and build relationships around homegrown food.
Healthy choices should be the easy choice in areas of the City of Ulysses where access is challenged due to social economic conditions, transportation issues or lack of organized land use for community gardens to thrive. Through the passage of this pathway, we will have community gardens located at schools, the senior center, the local hospital, and two trailer home parks.
Our work in this pathway so far includes:
Host small group conversations around a community garden task force.
Establish the task force with interested members, hosted at the Grant County K-State Extension Office.
Determine garden goals, including those who will be involved; those who will benefit; what to grow; and potential locations that would best address health equity challenges.
Visit potential sites to determine land availability.
Canvas potential users of the community garden locations to include their input in design and implementation.
Purchase materials and engage volunteers and professional labor to create the community garden sites.
Prepare garden or gardens for planting/rent out plots.